Mass Times

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Fr. Fedor’s February 2022 Calendar Letter

Fr. Fedor’s Calendar Letter

January 28, 2022

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Dear Members and Friends of St. Joseph Church,

May God bless you warmly as we move through the months ahead. God is always with us and sustains us through all the difficulties we face.

February is the shortest month but there are many activities for us to anticipate.

February 5 there will be confessions at IHM at Noon and at St. Joseph at 3:30 pm.

The Feast of St. Blaise is February 3rd, but we will celebrate the blessing of throats at the conclusion of Mass on February 5 and 6.

The weekend of February 12 and 13, Suhair Musleh will be here with her company, Holy Land Gifts. There will be an opportunity to purchase religious goods from the Holy Land after both Masses.

There is no CCD on Sunday, February 20 due to Presidents’ Day Weekend.

We will celebrate First Reconciliation with the 2nd Graders on Tuesday, February 22, at 6:00pm.

Saturday, February 26, the Men’s Mile Marker Event will begin at 9:00 am at St. Joseph. We will have participants from a number of parishes. Please pray for a successful event.

As we look forward, please note that Ash Wednesday is March 2 this year.

Lent is the time of preparation for those who will be baptized, confirmed and admitted to the Eucharist during the Easter Vigil on April 16. For those of us who are already fully initiated, Lent is a time for us to renew our prayer, fasting, and charitable actions to model our Christian faith.

It has come to my attention that a hacker is using my name to solicit “money for charity.” If you receive such an email alleging to be from me, please call the rectory.

Praying that God continues to bless each of you, I remain,

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Very Rev. Gregory F. Fedor V.F.


