Mass Times

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Fr. Fedor’s August 2022 Calendar Letter

Fr. Fedor’s Calendar Letter

July 28, 2022

Click on the links throughout this letter to access additional information or to discover learning opportunities associated with the linked word or phrase.


Dear Members and Friends of St. Joseph Church and Immaculate Heart of Mary Church,

I offer greetings to all during this season of growth and grace. We are all eagerly anticipating a new year when we can enjoy large community gatherings and sharing food and fellowship. Our parish worship has always been enjoyable, but as more people return to regular attendance it is even better.

I have highlighted some of the important events for this month.  

  • Tuesday, August 2, is the special election. Please vote.
  • Saturday, August 6, and Sunday, August 7, Fr. John Madden will preside at the weekend liturgies. He will also hear confessions at St. Joseph at 3:30pm.
  • Wednesday, August 10, is the Blood Drive at IHM. If you are able, please donate as an act of Christian Charity.
  • Thursday, August 11, is the IHM fund-raising day at El Jalapeño. Flyers are in the bulletin.
  • The weekend of August 13-14 there will be a Priest from the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers presiding and preaching at the Masses. Fr. Thomas Tiscornia will be our guest. He has served as a Missionary in Kenya and Tanzania. I am confident you will receive him warmly and generously. The second collection the 13th-14th, is for the Annual Mission Appeal.
  • At St. Joseph, the monthly collection for the St. Vincent DePaul Society will be the weekend of 20th-21st.
  • Monday, August 15 is theFeast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Feast is not a holy day of obligation this year.
  • Sunday, August 21, Olive Wood religious items will be on sale at IHM.
  • The St. Joseph Pre-School will host tours by appointment. The Early Childhood Learning Center is an excellent way to prepare your children for later schooling. The Pre-School children are a source of great joy for me when I visit them. The teachers we have are outstanding! Please consider enrolling your children in our school.

I am looking forward to some vacation time in August. I am excited for the grace-filled opportunities that we are facing. This should be an eventful year!
