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Fr. Fedor’s October 2022 Calendar Letter

Fr. Fedor’s Calendar Letter

September 22, 2022

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Dear Members and Friends of St. Joseph and Immaculate Heart of Mary parishes,

As we face the autumn season, it is important to stop and give thanks for the rich variety of blessings God provides in our lives. The more we recognize God’s loving presence in our experiences and activities, the more we authentically celebrate the Eucharist and live as a Christian community. I am convinced that God gives us our abilities, our resources and life itself so that we can gratefully share whom we are and what we have with praise and thanksgiving. Each of us is called to intentionally, thoughtfully, and proportionately share something of our time, talent, and treasurewith our Church and with charities. This prayerfully planned giving of ourselves is one of the ways we live the Eucharist in our daily lives. Our faith community is as vibrant and alive as each of us is willing to share of ourselves.

For a gentle reminder to see just how much you are already living as good stewards of God’s gifts, take the time to do this little exercise. Look at your finances and your calendar for the last month. Calculate how you have spent your time and money over the last 30 days. Describe how you have used your abilities for the sake of people beyond your immediate family. I am confident that some meaningful percentage of your resources has been shared out of gratitude to our Loving God.

Here are some of the highlights for the month of October:

  • 1st Blessing of Pets in memory of St. Francis at St. Joseph. Confessions will be at 3:30pm.
  • 2nd After the 11:00am Mass at IHM, the Knights of Columbus are having a Pancake Breakfast at Prokop Hall. The Blessing of Pets will be at 2:00pm in the parking lot in front of the rectory.
  • 16th No CCD at either parish. the Social Concerns Committee at IHM is having a Take Out Dinner of Halusky, kielbasa and sauerkraut at the Prokop Center, 12:00-4:00pm.
  • 18th IHM Finance Committee Meeting at 6:30pm in Rectory Meeting room.
  • 20th St. Joseph Finance Committee Meeting at 6:30pm in rectory.
  • 28th IHM Food Pantry Distribution.
  • 29th Cub Scouts Trunk and Treat (Parking Lot) at Noon.
  • 31st Austintown Trick or Treat5:30-7:30 pm.

The Mass Schedule for All Saints Day and All Souls Day is the following:      

  • Nov. 1: 9:00am. Mass at St. Joseph, 6:00pm Mass at IHM. During the Mass at IHM we will honor those IHM parishioners who died over the last year.
  • Nov. 2: 9:00am. Mass IHM, Noon Mass at St. Joseph

Praying that God continues to bless you with good health, I remain

Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Rev. Gregory F. Fedor/Pastor