Mass Times

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Fr. Fedor’s November 2023 Calendar Letter

Fr. Fedor’s Calendar Letter

October 27, 2023

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Dear Members and Friends of St. Joseph Church and Immaculate Heart of Mary Church

As I write this, I hope you are enjoying the fall weather. In this time of year with the daylight and warmth decreasing, it is appropriate to reflect on our own mortality and our individual preparation for the return of Christ in triumph. As the holidays approach we may recall happy events or be saddened by the absence of loved ones. One of the ways we can ponder the ultimate meaning of our life is to prayerfully recall our deceased loved ones.

At St. Joseph, we will commemorate our deceased loved ones by using of the Book of the Dead throughout the month of November. The Book of the Dead will be brought forward with the gifts at the weekend liturgies.

In the month of November at IHM we will be conducting a campaign to increase the Sunday Offerings. The first talk about the Sunday Stewardship Campaign will be Sunday, October 29. The second talk will be Sunday, November 5. The Sunday Stewardship Commitment Weekend will be Sunday, November 19. For the members of IHM who regularly attend the 4:30 Mass at St Joseph, mailings will be sent to all the registered households of IHM.  

There are many activities worth highlighting occurring in November.

  • Wednesday, November 1, we will celebrate All Saints Day. Mass at IHM will be at 9:00am. Mass at St. Joseph will be at 6:00pm.
  • Thursday, November 2, we will celebrate the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day). Mass at St. Joseph will be at 9:00 am. Mass at IHM will be at 6:00pm. At the evening Mass we will remember the IHM families that have had a loved one die since Oct 31, 2022.
  • Saturday, November 4, Confessions will be at 3:30pm. at St. Joseph.
  • Don’t forget to turn your clock back as Daylight Savings ends!
  • Tuesday, November 7, is Election Day. Please exercise your right to vote!
  • Wednesday, November 8, the IHM Parish Council will meet at 6:30pm.
  • Saturday, November 11 and Sunday, November 12, we will have a religious sister speaking at Mass for the Retired Religious Appeal. The second Collection at St. Joseph this weekend will be for the St. Vincent DePaul Society. The second collection for Retired Religious will be the weekend of November 18-19 at both churches.
  • Friday, November 17, is Food Pantry Day at IHM.
  • Sunday, November 19, there will be a 4 Hands Piano Concert at St. Joseph Church at 5:00pm.
  • Thursday, November 23, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Mass will be celebrated at St, Joseph at 9:00am.
  • Tuesday, November 28, is I Give Catholic Day! Please support the effort to raise money for the music programs and concerts at St. Joseph Church.

I hope and pray that you and your family are healthy and safe, always thanking God for your blessings.


Rev. Gregory F. Fedor
