Mass Times

Saturday at 4:30 pm
Sunday at 8:30 am

Godparent Resources

To be chosen as a godparent is a special honor. You have the privilege of participating in your godchild’s Christian life and formation. This privilege offers you the opportunity to develop a mutually enriching spiritual relationship, one that will last throughout this life and beyond.

5 Great ways to nurture your spiritual relationship with your Godchild

  1. Celebrate the anniversary of your godchild’s Baptism each year with a visit, phone call, email, or card. If possible, talk with your godchild about how he/she has grown in faith over the last year, and share your own stories of growing in your faith life.
  2. Be supportive of your godchild’s parents in their role as the primary faith formers of their child.
  3. Pray regularly for your godchild and his/her family. Post a photo of your godchild somewhere to remind you to pray for him/her.
  4. Attend Mass with your godchild and his/her family. Help them make attending Mass a priority each week.
  5. Become a model of Christian living: Pray, read the Scriptures, actively participate in the Eucharistic liturgy (Mass) each week, live Christian values in all aspects of your life, read spiritual texts, use your talents in service and outreach.

“Let us not forget the great gift we have received. Our baptism has changed us, given us a new and glorious hope, and empowered us to bring God’s redeeming love to all, particularly the poor, in whom we see the face of Christ.” ~Pope Francis