Altar Servers
The opportunity to serve Mass is open to all people beginning with 4th graders. Masses served include 4:30 pm Saturday, and 9:00 am Sunday, as well as the 9:00am Mass during the week, weddings, funerals, and Holy Days. Training is available at any time, new servers are always welcome!
The adult server ministry was formed in 1976 as a result of Fr. Dennis Grabowski discontinuing the use of child servers for the 7:30am Sunday Mass. He recognized that because of the early hour and the one-hour fast requirement, the children serving Mass were having cold breakfast or toast afterward. He felt it was not a good practice or good nutrition for growing children. As a result, the adult server ministry at St. Joseph Church is growing! Any Confirmed adults are invited to join this ministry. Training is available at any time!
Contact Karen Womer at 330-792-1919 or for additional information or if you believe you are called to this ministry.
Eucharistic Ministers
St. Joseph Church began using lay persons as Eucharistic Ministers around 1975.
Eucharistic Ministers are responsible for distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at the weekend Masses and other times Mass is celebrated. Training in the specifics of the ministry is provided throughout the year. Eucharistic Ministers may serve at any Mass they attend.
Ministry for the Homebound
Eucharistic Ministers also take Holy Communion to parishioners who cannot leave their homes due to health issues. Some of our Eucharistic Ministers do homebound ministry exclusively.
Contact Karen Womer at 330-792-1919 or for additional information or if you believe you are called to this ministry.
The use of Lectors began at St. Joseph Church began June 16, 1968. Originally, one Lector was used per Mass. In 1990, the duty of Lector was split between two people.
Lectors proclaim the Word of the Lord during the Liturgy. A lector should have a passion for Scripture, an ability to interpret and understand Scripture, and sufficient public speaking skills to proclaim the Word to the assembly. Training in the specifics of the ministry is provided throughout the year. Lectors are assigned on a rotating schedule.
Contact Karen Womer at 330-792-1919 or for additional information or if you believe you are called to this ministry.
The title of Usher can be very misleading, since the responsibilities have grown far more encompassing over the years. Not only have the Ushers at St. Joseph Church assisted with seating parishioners in pews, but included among their duties are collecting the weekly offerings and special collections, obtaining individuals or families to carry the Gifts to the altar, greeting parishioners as they come to church, supply first aid to anyone in need, keeping an orderly procession of parishioners going to Communion, maintain the safety of walkways in the wintertime, and distributing weekly bulletins. As a group the organization has been and continues to be led by a Head Usher whole one usher is in charge of the usher services at each Mass.
Contact Karen Womer at 330-792-1919 or for additional information or if you believe you are called to this ministry.
Greeters make all who attend Mass feel welcome as they extend a smile, offer a handshake and open a door as parishioners enter St. Joseph Church. Greeters may also answer questions and direct parishioners as needed. This is a great ministry for those who are very busy because you can complete your service while you are already here to worship. Our Greeters are some of the happiest, kindest people on earth. Ministers are needed at weekend and Holy Day Masses.
Contact Karen Womer at 330-792-1919 or for additional information or if you believe you are called to this ministry.
Lay Leaders of Prayer
Leaders of Prayer are lay persons commissioned to lead the faithful in acts of worship which in the past were most often led by the ordained clergy but which may be also led by lay people. Among these services are Morning and Evening Prayer, Liturgy of the Word with or without the distribution of Holy Communion, devotions, the vigil service and rite of committal from the Order of Christian Funerals, and in an emergency, Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest. Leaders of Prayer are commissioned not only to lead currently scheduled acts of worship in the parish in the absence of a priest but also to expand the opportunities for communal prayer. They are commissioned for a period of three years for service in their parish under the direction of the pastor. The Diocese of Youngstown Office for Worship provides an annual training for those who believe they are called to this ministry.
Contact Judy Willoughby at 330-734-5155 for additional information or if you believe you are called to this ministry.
Click HERE for Liturgical Minister Guidelines
Music Ministries
CLICK HERE for information about music ministry.