Confirmation is a sacrament of initiation – a way to seal and deepen your membership in the church. The other two Sacraments of initiation are Baptism and Eucharist. Although it is the last Sacrament of Initiation to be celebrated, Confirmation does not mark the end of a person’s formal religious education; rather it is the beginning of a deeper belief, a fuller involvement, and a stronger service to the church and to the world.
We celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation for our young people during the eighth grade.
Adult Confirmation
Any adult who has been Baptized and made their First Communion, but has not been confirmed should call the parish office for more information on the sacrament. Adult Confirmation is celebrated at the Cathedral in the fall, and at the Easter Vigil in the spring. Appropriate faith formation is provided.
Confirmation Class with IHM Church 2022