Mass Times

Saturday at 4:30 pm
Sunday at 9:00 am

Workplace Relationships

Whether our work is paid or volunteer, we are called in and through the relationships we have with our coworkers and our clients/customers. Watch Keifer talk about the key to following your calling at work with others.

Some nuggets of wisdom from Keifer:

  • If you want to work successfully with coworkers or clients, value their input and their stories.
  • Caring matters! Everyone wants to feel like someone cares about them.
  • People want to be heard. Listening is a key way to show that you care.
  • When disagreements arise, find what is common. What is it that you and the other can agree upon. There’s usually an underlying value that from which you can build a common solution.

How does Keifer’s story help you get in touch with your own workplace relationships calling. Use the form below to share your thoughts with us!

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