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January 1: We will celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God at 9:00am at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church.
Jan 4: Confessions will be heard at St. Joseph at 3:30pm.
Jan 7: First Reconciliation will be celebrated for the children from St. Joseph and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Confirmation Candidates from both parishes are also invited to attend with their families. The Penance Service will be at 6:00pm at St. Joseph Church.
Jan 12: The IHM Knights of Columbus will have a Pancake Breakfast from 9:00-1:00pm in Msgr. Prokop Hall.
Jan 21: The St. Blaise Finance Committee will meet at 6:30pm in the IHM rectory basement.
As we eagerly await the coming of the new year, please continue to pray for those who are suffering in various ways. There are many who are grieving the loss of loved ones. Many people are facing social problems and the issues that come with isolation and separation from close contact with family and friends. Even through this difficult time, God is with us! God who has taken on our human frailty in the birth of Jesus knows our pains and sorrows. We are the people of salvation and good news!
In the upcoming year I trust that you will continue to offer helpful suggestions to address important concerns for our new parish. Please continue your good works; caring for each other and proclaiming the Good News through the quality of your lives together.
On a personal note, I have been accepted as a candidate for a kidney transplant. Please keep me in your prayers. If you happen to have a spare kidney that you would like to share with someone in need, please contact me for information about the donation process.
Praying that God blesses you with all good things, I remain,