Mass Times

Saturday at 4:30 pm
Sunday at 8:30 am

Caring Neighbors Spotlight

Here are some projects completed by our caring neighbors! The most recent are at the top.

Presents Under the Tree

The caring neighbor asked their adult children to forgo exchanging gifts among themselves and join them in putting that money in an envelope to help someone in need. A name and phone number was secured by another helper and arrangements were made to meet for coffee. The envelope went around several times until a fair amount was secured. The exchange of the money collected to the recipient took place during a meeting with coffee. The recipient was very happy and thankful. Comment made by the recipient: ” At least there will be presents under the tree this year.”

Furniture for Students

Many Youngstown State University students come from other countries to make a better life for themselves and their families, but they come with nothing and no money. The YSU International Student Office put the word out that students were in need of furniture for their apartments. Jim Merhaut mentioned this to Alex Benyo who had two sofas to give away. Jim delivered one to YSU while the other one was picked up by another student.

A Ride to Rulli

Bob Pesa has been taking Anthony Gullotta to doctor appointment for months. As Christmas approached, Anthony was hoping to get to Rulli Brothers market to do a little shopping but had no way of getting there. Bob offered to give him a ride. This felt like a Christmas gift to Anthony!

Things like these acts of kindness take little time and effort, but they make such a big difference in the lives of the recipients. The givers also get something out of the experience of doing something good for someone in need.

A Much-Needed Vehicle for a Single Mom

A young mother of two young children, ages 2 and 4, was widowed when her husband tragically passed away. Allison was living with her mother, who was also widowed. Without transportation, it was hard for Allison to find work. Her neighbor is St. Joseph parishioners, Ken Balzic. Ken, being a neighbor who interacts with people in his neighborhood, learned of Allison’s situation and asked other parishioners, particularly members of the Knights of Columbus, if they knew of anyone selling a car that he might purchase for Allison. Bob Pesa had a 2006 Chevy Malibu that was in great shape, and he said he would be willing to donate the car to Allison. Allison gratefully received the gift and now has a much better chance of getting a job to support her young family.

Tell us your story!

Caring Neighbor Story

This form is designed to collect Caring Neighbor stories. You can tell a story about how you helped a neighbor, or you can tell a story about how you saw someone else help a neighbor. It's ok if you want to be anonymous too.


August 2022

Driving to Appointments

An elderly neighbor usually gets rides to doctor appointments from his daughter who is a teacher, but when school was back in session, she wasn’t available to drive him. She contacted the church office who passed along the information to our Caring Neighbors director. One of our Neighborhood Leaders was able to provide the ride, and we’re working on setting up a schedule of drivers because the appointments will continue for our new friend.

Thank you to the following caring neighbors:

  • Laurie Wolfe
  • Bob Pesa

Below are photos of our new friend and his wife. Bob drove them to the appointment. Click on the images to see the full photo.

Hauling Wood

One of our elderly neighbors had an old pile of wooden fence pieces in her back yard, and she was unable to move them. One of our Caring Neighbors learned about her situation and informed one of our team members. He pulled together a group of volunteers from the parish, and they got together one evening and removed the fence pieces and had them properly disposed the following day.

Thank you to our caring neighbors for sharing some time and making this neighborhood a better place to live:

  • Don Matulek
  • Dee Romandetti
  • Bill Potkanowicz
  • Alex Benyo
  • Blake Benyo

Click on thumbnails to see the full image.